Welcome to Claridon Hotels
Claridon HotelsClaridon HotelsClaridon Hotels
Old GRA, Port Harcourt, Rivers State
Claridon HotelsClaridon HotelsClaridon Hotels

At Claridon Hotels, our rooms are meticulously designed to offer an unparalleled level of comfort and sophistication.


Claridon Hotels offers a comprehensive array of amenities designed to ensure a luxurious and comfortable stay for every guest. From meticulously appointed rooms to world-class dining experiences, our hotel provides an unparalleled level of hospitality. Enjoy access to a signature restaurant featuring culinary masterpieces, and a team of world-class chefs dedicated to crafting unforgettable dishes.

Executive Deluxe Rooms

Experience unparalleled comfort and sophistication in Claridon Hotels’ Executive Deluxe Rooms. Meticulously designed with opulent furnishings and upscale amenities, each room offers a sanctuary of indulgence. From sumptuous bedding to state-of-the-art technology, every detail is crafted to exceed expectations. Whether traveling for business or leisure, our Executive Deluxe Rooms provide a haven of elegance and relaxation, ensuring an unforgettable stay.


At Claridon Hotels, our restaurants offer a diverse and exquisite dining experience. Led by our talented chefs, each venue boasts a unique atmosphere and menu inspired by global flavors and locally sourced ingredients.

World Class Chefs

At Claridon Hotels, our culinary experience is elevated by our team of world-class chefs. With a passion for excellence and innovation, they curate exceptional menus inspired by global flavors and locally sourced ingredients.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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